A poem by Noell Coutts
Images by Callum Wood

Seek the rugged wilderness, the mountains and the skyFeel it, breath it, watch a

Falcon Fly.

Hear the creek beds in the rivers, where miners searched for goldAbandoned huts and buts of stuff, hear the

stories told.

The lust for gold,

the search, the thrill, the ghosts of days gone by The adrenaline, the buzz of it all, try and you’ll know why

Sometimes you go up, we all go down, sometimes the whole world’s

just spinning around






thrill of it all


bumps and the bruises, the jumps and the falls

Time is the treasure, each hour of the day, but remember the clock only can go one way. Your time. Is now.

This article is taken from:NZ Mountain Biker, Issue #114

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