OneUp Components pioneered the world of steerer tube tools. In fact, their EDC tool took the mountain biking world by storm when it was released. The OneUp tool requires threading your steerer tube, which can void your fork’s warranty, although you can now also purchase OneUp’s EDC Stem which negates this. If you don’t want to splash out on a stem and multi-tool, but still wanna stash tools inside your steerer, Granite Design’s Stash Tool may just be the ticket.

The Stash Tool mounts cleverly inside your steerer, without the need for threading your steerer tube. Instead, the Stash includes two pieces, a tool housing and a threaded plug, that go inside your steerer tube and thread together via a bolt. Remove your existing star nut (or simply don’t install it if it’s a new fork), install the tool housing in the top of your fork not steerer – making sure it’s either sitting on a headset spacer or the top of your stem – and then drop the included bolt down your tool housing and pinch it up ‘til your headset is secure and there’s no play. Drop the multi-tool into the tool housing, press it in and you’re good to go.
The multi-tool itself consists of a 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm and 6mm hex key, along with a flat-blade screwdriver and a T25 Torx key. The tool also includes a 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 size spoke key, that can remove valve cores. The tools are well made, durable, and all fit their corresponding snuggly without risk of damaging the heads. If orange isn’t your vibe, the tool is also offered in black.

I’ve already made the comparison to the EDC tool, and no doubt that’s what you’ll be comparing the Stash to as well. As far as quality goes, both are much-of-a-muchness, but when it comes to usage I’d say the EDC has a slight edge, with a little bit more leverage and a bit more reach on each tool. In practice, this doesn’t make a huge difference, but for that odd bolt that’s seized, or perhaps a recessed derailleur bolt, this could make a difference out on the trails. The Stash wins points back on ease of installation, considering there is no threading, and the fact that you don’t have to worry about warranty issues. It also comes in at a cheaper price, when you consider that with the EDC tool you’ll either have to buy the tap for your steerer (if you don’t have a buddy with one), pay a bike shop to tap your steerer for you, or fork out additional money for the EDC stem.
The Granite Design Stash is a great way to carry tools out on the trail, especially when combined with the Stash Chain Tool (also reviewed in this issue) and the Stash Tyre Plug kit. Installation is trouble-free and I haven’t had the headset loosen once. The tool stashes away securely and doesn’t rattle loose. All in all, a set-and-forget experience.
Words & Images: Cam Baker